Before & After
Before & After
Before & After
Before & After
Before & After
Before & After
PFM over custom abutment
Diagnostic Wax Up
In a coordinated effort between Doctor and Laboratory to determine the final goal, and identify the best approach to a specific case, this works as a blue print to follow.
Porcelain Fused to Zirconium Framework
This is considered an all ceramic restoration, because of the Zirconium light conduction properties. In reality, this is just another available metal suitable for restoration work. However, the whiteness of this material works well with bridge work.
Regular Porcelain Fused to Metal (PFM) Frame Work
The metal goes to the border of the preparation to create a perfect seal on the restored teeth or tooth, with a metal thickness no greater than 0.2 mm. This technique creates a clean, smooth transition from the prepared tooth to the restoration.
Metal frame pick up model
After trying the framework in the patient’s mouth, we pour an accurate stone model that will represent the exact position and surrounding soft tissue